VONTECH Motorcycle Batteries are specially made for extreme power output for longer time and highcrankingabilitiestomeetmoderngenerationstandardsinMotorcycles.
Using AGM separators, it makes sure leak proof operations avoiding acid leakage and damage tosurrounding parts of your vehicle. VRLA Technology ensures proper vaporization of needful gassingwhile uniquely designed battery container controls and recycles large portion of water being vaporizedin the air. High strength of active materials and extra thick plates provides unmatched performance forcrankinginextremecoldandextremeheatandhumidclimates,suitableforSelfStartingvehicles.
The unique combination of AGM with specially chosen Lead Alloy results into increased corrosionresistance, better performance in high temperatures, minimum self discharge, longer shelf life andlonger service life. These batteries are completely Sealed Maintenance Free, meaning it does notrequireanywatertopupormaintenancethroughoutitsservicelife.

⦁ Superior performanceoverconventionalMFBatteries,
⦁ SealedLeakProofBatteryContainer,
⦁ CompeteSealedMaintenanceFreeoperations,
⦁ LongServiceLifewithoutMaintenance,
⦁ HighCranking undervariousclimaticconditions,
⦁ UltraLowShelfLife,
⦁ HighCrankingPower.

VONTECH Motorcycle Batteries are specially made for extreme power output for longer time and highcrankingabilitiestomeetmoderngenerationstandardsinMotorcycles.
Using AGM separators, it makes sure leak proof operations avoiding acid leakage and damage tosurrounding parts of your vehicle. VRLA Technology ensures proper vaporization of needful gassingwhile uniquely designed battery container controls and recycles large portion of water being vaporizedin the air. High strength of active materials and extra thick plates provides unmatched performance forcrankinginextremecoldandextremeheatandhumidclimates,suitableforSelfStartingvehicles.
The unique combination of AGM with specially chosen Lead Alloy results into increased corrosionresistance, better performance in high temperatures, minimum self discharge, longer shelf life andlonger service life. These batteries are completely Sealed Maintenance Free, meaning it does notrequireanywatertopupormaintenancethroughoutitsservicelife.

⦁ Superior performanceoverconventionalMFBatteries,
⦁ SealedLeakProofBatteryContainer,
⦁ CompeteSealedMaintenanceFreeoperations,
⦁ LongServiceLifewithoutMaintenance,
⦁ HighCranking undervariousclimaticconditions,
⦁ UltraLowShelfLife,
⦁ HighCrankingPower.